Sunday, February 02, 2014

Nothing of value ever came out of my mouth.

Even I get self-conscious sometimes.

And I know that I'm really bad at being a normal person. Probably because of that whole asexual-thing (not like the asexual reproduction, I mean like I'm not sexually attracted to anyone including you) but also because I just don't know how to not be sarcastic and surly.

That's just how I am. And I'm trying to keep up my poetic spirit and all but it's really difficult when I seem to have lost it sometime between last May and now.

Maybe it's because I haven't been to Paris in so long that I've just forgotten what it feels like to be a tourist or maybe it's because my heart disappeared with him last December.

I didn't have nearly as many medications and I didn't have nearly as many friends but I also didn't have to miss my cat so damn much.

Please just forget about me and pretend I don't exist so I can be negative all on my own.